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About us

Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in the local church for Christian living.

Our Director
Edith Chaffee

     As an 8 year old little girl sitting at a picnic table in my parents back yard along with many of my neighborhood friends, I heard the Child Evangelism Fellowship 5-Day Club teacher explain to us that our hearts were dark with sin but that because of what Jesus did by dying for us and raising back to life, we could have our sins forgiven and made white as snow. I stared at the visual she held with a dark & clean heart with a red cross in between them. I knew I did not want a dark heart full of sin and that I did believe in Jesus and that He could make my sins forgiven. I was too shy to talk to the teacher about this even though she offered to talk to us after the club. Instead I later alone in my bedroom, knelt beside my bed and prayed for forgiveness of my sins.


     This was the beginning of my Christian journey. I was then invited to attend a Good News Club. I became active in my church youth group as I became a teen. I wanted to live for the Lord and witness to my friends. As a young adult, I prayed for a Christian husband to love the Lord with me and God answered my prayer. As our family came along, I was asked by the CEF of Beaver County board to host a 5-Day Club. My children loved it and we continued to do so for many summers. I was then approached by a board member to serve on the board. I felt God calling me to do so.

   While on the board, I began to hear how it was legal to have Good News Clubs in the public school. I’d just began as a cafeteria monitor in my local elementary school. I wore a beaded bracelet that told the story of Jesus’ life. Children would comment that they liked my bracelet and I would tell them the story behind it. I realized how many children had never heard the Gospel message or had little understanding of it. God kept prompting me to begin a Good News Club in that school. I talked to my Pastor and the elders of my church as we did so. This was just the beginning of the Good News Clubs to begin in public schools in our county.

    In 2010 I was asked by the others on the board to step in as interim Coordinator. I did so for 6 months and after that I loved the job and the board loved me doing the job so I was asked to stay on. I am now serving in this position full time and amazed at what God is and has been doing through CEF of Beaver County. I look forward to growing in the Lord as I serve in this capacity.


    I have been praying this verse over our county since 2010 and will continue to do so, Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” May the Lord continue to astound us with His greatness as we pray and trust Him to lead this ministry for His glory!

 Our Administrative Assistant

Linda D'Angelo



“I believe that Christian service comes from a heart of love for our Savior. I have served in women's ministry, Sunday school teaching and music ministry. While I was working in a medical office for 30 years, I prayed with patients and staff as I had opportunity - for health needs, family situations, those who were grieving. I try to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to be sure I am doing what He wants.  I just retired from a full time medical career this past May and feel like the Administrative Assistant job would be a great way to use my abilities to help others become involved as well.”

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Our Board

We meet monthly and are dedicated to overseeing and increasing the ministry of CEF OF Beaver County.  If you have a heart that desires to see children know the Gospel, will you consider joining us?

Left to Right

Dale Regner,

Toni Howells,

Tim Nix,









516 Smith Ferry Road

Midland, PA 15059

Donations: P.O. Box 1605

Beaver Falls, PA 15010

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Child Evangelism Fellowship. All Rights Reserved. Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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